Hello Hive Community,
Spring is in the air, can you feel it, can you see the yellow dust everywhere? April brings us longer evenings and blossoms galore, things are literally buzzing, and everything is growing. It’s the perfect time to “grow your practice” too.
Set aside more time for stress relief through self-care. We’ve got just the thing for you! “Grow your Practice” challenge. Attend 3 classes a week from April 8th through May 13th and enter into a drawing to win a free month at The Hive. All current annual members will have a month added to their membership and any monthly member will have a month comped.
Invite a friend to join you for a class. Pick up a guest pass at the front desk and bring them along for free. We love welcoming new people to the studio and turning them on to Yoga and Pilates ‘cause it’s how we deal with whatever life throws our way.
Travel with us on one of our fabulous upcoming retreats. Each one is guaranteed to be unique and create lots of lasting memories. July 13th-20th San Flaviano, Italy at a 14th century monastery with excursions to nearby towns and other fun activities. September 10th-14th Xinalani Resort located near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with a private beach and lush surroundings. November 18th-20th at Elohee Resort in the beautiful North Georgia Mountains with fall color abound. Early bird pricing and registration will be up on the website soon. Send us an email for more details and to reserve your spot.
Check our website over the next few weeks for Spring workshops and Field Trips. We are putting the finishing touches on a few things.
Join Kathy Sunday morning 8:30-9:15am for our Meditation and Pranayama class. We like featuring one of our classes each month and giving you a bit more information about what to expect and highlighting the benefits.This month we want to draw you attention to our Meditation and Pranayama class particularly as allergy season is upon us and breathing techniques (Pranamaya) can help with that. If you are interested in learning about pranayama and developing a meditation practice this is a perfect way to get started. Kathy is also our resident Astanga teacher and here for all you early birds Monday,Tuesday, and Thursday mornings. Mysore is open to everyone (Mysore is the name of the place that Astanga yoga was founded in India). You can come at any time from 6-8am and begin by working on Sun Salutations and basic standing poses. Kathy will work with you individually, it's yoga study hall. Come and see what it's all about. You can also get a glimpse by coming to The Hive Astanga Hour Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:15am.
Send Amber lots of good thoughts as she undergoes arthroscopic surgery this week. We miss having her around the studio and we know you do too. Amber hopes to be back with us teaching in late May. We will keep you updated and feel free to shoot her a message to our inbox, as she is still keeping up with all her studio manager tasks from home.
Help us welcome Sarah Soltan. Sarah will be covering Amber’s Sunday 11am Yin Class until her return. Sarah is a lovely addition to our teaching family and we are delighted to welcome her onboard. We are also very thankful for Susan and Shafali willingness to step up and lend a hand during Amber’s absence. Chelsea, Susan, and Shafali are also subbing, or have subbed my classes over the last week, allowing me time to be with my family for Spring Break and host the retreat at Elohee. We really are a true family and we all pitch in to help one another and celebrate one another.
As always know you can find your place with us, because You Belong Here at The Hive. Just show up and we will take care of the rest.
See you soon dear community.
Much love, Rebecca and The Teaching Family